Monday 14 March 2011

Rejected images

Here the model wasnt ready for the photo and seems to be laughing during the shot.

                        I was really fond of the image initially, as I liked the composition using  the
 keyboard and the models firm pose and facial expression, however, I decided
 not to use this in my final magazine as I found that my chosen image was
significantly more effective.

Within this photo I found that it just didnt look professional enough and after analysing real music magazines, realised that the pose was quite ordinary and deposited no sense of individuality or originality and so this image was dismissed. Furthermore, I found that the model looked too young and her clothing was not appropraiate as well as the act that the detail on her top was not visible.

I found that this pose was a bit awkward and wouldnt work very well within my magazine. In addition the keyboard becomes the main focus of the image, in effect, diverting attention from the artist herself. Similarly, her facial expression was slightly dull as if she hadnt been ready for the photograph.

I liked this photo as it is quite edgy, which is ultimately the image that I aim to portray however, after some contemplation, I found that it was slightly too provocative, in terms of the artists pose with her hands between her legs and her tense facial expression.-I aimed for a more light-hearted yet fun sense.

Here the photograph came out blurry as the model 'producer' was moving during the shot.

 I found here that a high angle shot did not work very well and together with the adopted pose, would not reflect the professional camera work generally seen in authentic magazines.

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