Sunday 13 March 2011

1st draft of main article

At only 18, Persia White has become the nation’s hot new pop sensation. With 9 number 1 singles, this triple-award winning doll-like princess is set to take the world by storm. Here she speaks to CONTRAST magazine in an all exclusive interview about her rags to riches transformation, her obsessive fans and that mind-blowing break-up with teenage heart throb Liam Cage.

Persia, welcome to the UK, what do you think of it so far?
It’s amazing, I’ve never been here before, the people are lovely, and you guys’ accent is so fascinating-I love it! I was so shocked to see the stampede of fans waiting outside my hotel, they surrounded the entire building- it was so surreal.

Wow, loyal fans you have there, any super-crazy ones you’ve met yet ?
Yeah! Some really umm..motivated ones actually. Last month when I was touring Europe this girl managed to sneak into my car and hide under the seat, then while were driving I felt something stroke my leg, then she just popped out. I was so creeped out! She had my name written all over her body, it was so strange, but I love that I have such dedicated fans.

Dedicated? I’d call it obsessed!
No, it’s totally cute- except if they got into my house, now that would be freaky. Then I’d have to call for a restraining order. ( Giggles to herself)

How does it feel to have gone from being a nobody to being known worldwide?
Just....indescribable. I used to live in a small town with my mum and little brother- I never knew my dad. (Pause) We didn’t have much, some nights we’d go to bed hungry, it was heart-breaking to see my mum struggle so much. (Pauses, wipes away tear) Now, to be able to travel the world doing what I love, spreading my music worldwide, it’s so exciting, every day I pinch myself, I just never thought this type of thing happened to people like..well, like me I guess.

People like you? How do you mean?
Well, I was a bit of a loser, in school I was always the one who you sat at lunch alone, had no real friends and, yeah, I wasn’t cool-at all! I was never one of the popular kids, I wouldn’t have had the confidence to strut around the school being centre of attention.

So how do you manage to deal with all the paparazzi and demands of being a celebrity?
A celebrity? (shakes her head) I’m still a normal girl, just with bodyguards an lots of security ( Laughs). I’ll definitely not let the fame get to my head some of the other newcomers out there, I’ll stay humble-I promise! I’m still that nerdy freak deep down.
Like some of the other newcomers out there? Wanna spill the beans?
Spill the what? ( Confused expression)
Spill the beans, basically do you want to give CONTRAST some superstar gossip?
Wow, do you guys actually use that term in the UK, that’s so strange. Oh and about the comment?
Keeping tight-lipped are you. Okay, moving on, so what’s all the male attention like- are you loving it?
Well of course, what 18 year old girl wouldn’t ( winks) but I’m not dating or anything at the moment, I just came out of a relationship with Liam, so I just wanna focus on my music right now, that’s my passion- not boys! (Begins to chuckle)
Oh yes, Liam Cage, hot chap isn’t he? What went wrong there, you two seem perfect together-fairytale couple you were.
Hot what? Oh my, I really do need a slang dictionary or something. Does that mean guy? Well if it does erm, things just wasn’t working out, put it this way, his intentions weren’t as genuine as I thought they were-he was just after the money. Oh wait- don’t print that! (laughs awkwardly)

So on a positive note, your debut album is out Monday 14th, what can we expect from it?
Yeah its out soon, it’s called ‘Perfectly Unperfect’, its a combination of some really quirky and cool tracks, really energetic songs to get you in the party mood. The music video premieres tomorrow actually, it’s full of bright colours, real-life dolls and floating people....Be prepared( Laughs)
Great-we can’t wait! I’m sure you’re fans will be queuing up days in advance. So finally, you’re also touring next year right?
Yeah, my tour begins in North America next March through ‘till the following year, I’ll be back in London too-I’m buzzing! Thank you so much for having me.

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