Friday 11 February 2011

Idea For Double Page Spread - Sketch

For my double page spread on my chosen artist i would have her name in large letters as the title, with a sub-heading employed to introduce the act. Similarly, I would have an introduction for my article for my article which will provide readers with an insight as to the topic which the text will be based around. Furthermore, I plan to include superlatives to over emphasise the artists superiority; hyperboles to exaggerate her success and cliche phrases in order for readers to be able to easily identify the point being made..In addition, the copy will include some questions which will allow the artist to expand upon a subject, ultimately provoking a more detailed response. The use of floating quotes will also be adopted with the intention that it would instantly draw attention and prompt readers to read the article if the quote is dramatic and interesting. Simultaneously, I will also employ colloquialisms in order to craft a sense of realism and also for readers to feel as though they can relate to the text. Similarly, it will also make the interview seem more light-hearted and so would be ideal for my teenage target audience. I will use quite a specific register as while using predominantly formal language, I will intergrate several slang terms in order to reinforce quite a casual, friendly conversation as opposed to a serious, interrogation-like interview. Moreover, I plan to incorporate one main image which will be a long shot of the artist in the centre of the page, as displayed in the photograph above, with the text shaped around it. Also, I will have 1/2 additional images, perhaps 1 location shot and 1 normal shot. Finally, my ideas surrounding the typography is to have a hand-written somewhat girly styled text, with the interviewers questions a different colour to the artists response to exemplify a clear differentiation between the two, in essence, making it easier to read.

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