Friday 11 February 2011

1st Idea For Front Cover - Sketch

Brief outline of  ideas:
-Image of artist would be placed in front of the mast head.
-A tie-in will be placed at the top right hand corner in order to entice readers to buy the magazine following the offer highlighted.
-The barcode will also be displayed to convey sense of authenticity.
-Additional cover lines.
-Additional images.
-Main cover line will partially over lay the image of the artist and it will be bold and much larger than the rest of the text in order for it to instantly draw attention.
-The mast head 'CRUSH'will be tightly composed to reflect the literal meaning of the word, however it will contain small hearts within the letters, however, the transparency of these symbols will be manipulated in order for it to be more subtle. The hearts will illustrate the colloquial term'crush' and will also echo this as a regular notion obtained by teenage girls.
-The main image will be the focal point of the magazine. The artist will adopt typical features of mise-en-scene for a pop magazine, such as, vibrant make-up with brightly coloured lipstick in order to reinforce a 'doll-like' sense.
-Eccentric coloured clothing will be worn to exemplify the fun and flirtyness of the pop genre.
-Accessories worn to illuminate a sense of femininity, for example a flower in the hair and heart-shaped necklace.
-A slightly low-angle shot used to indicate slight superiority.
-The key words within the headings will be made larger for emphasis.
-Varied size of text.
Composition quite complex/compact in order for it to look more exciting and full of content.
-Ultimately, pop will be depicted as a 'cute', 'fun' & 'quirky' genre.

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