Wednesday 26 January 2011

Contents Page Analysis - NME

-The main image located at the centre of the page is the focal point and links directly to the main article.
-The colour use is eccentric and vivid indicating a non-uniformed colour scheme, ultimately communicating a light-hearted sense.
-This magazine is evidently directed at a younger audience, perhaps within the age bracket of 17-21.
-In addition,  the images are composed in a similar way to how a collage would be crafted, generating the idea that the magazine is quite spontaneous and haphazard as opposed to displaying a fixated structure.
-Each box to the right is of a different color, suggesting individuality for each section.
-Furthermore, the sub-headings are employed to categorise and to create an ease of reference for readers, as well as the page numbers.
-Also, the tie-in  for a subscription package at the bottom of the page is enticing as readers are drawn to the idea of an offer.
-This contents page consists of many images making it look excedingly busy and alive, depositing a sense of vibrance and energy.
-I believe that loads of pictures have been placed on this page in order for it to appear that there is a lot to read within the magazine, in essence, exaggerating its content.

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