Wednesday 26 January 2011

Front Cover Analysis-Usher

- The tilt of his head instantly generates quite an arrogant and obnoxious sense immediantly initating superiority.
-Usher is wearng limited 'bling' which is ultimately a more subtlle depiction of wealth.
-The grafitti style text is a colloquial term ( swagger)  in which instantly reinforces R & B conventions. Also, it has been coloured in red identifying power and dominance.
-The low angle shot adopted also suggests superiority and power.
-The lead feature article provides readers with a clearer insight as to what the article on usher will predominantly be about.
-The additional cover lines on the front cover display to readers what other articles the magazine will consist of.
-The mast head is blue, in effect connoting the 'rhythm & Blues' theme. Furthermore, a cool and calm sense is depicted perhaps portraying the smoothness of the artist. Additionally, it is also a unisex colour, perhaps showing that the magazine can appeal to the interests of both males and females.
-The fact that Usher is wearing sunglasses initiates an enigmatic sense. Hs hand is clearly the focal point of the magazine cover, smiliarly, the shallow depth of field has been manpulated in order to exemplify the artists hand gesture showing off his wedding finger in which supports the context of the article.
-The main cover line consists of few words in which sum up the main points within the feature aticle, moreover, the key words wich as 'USHER' 'HE'S NO.1' have intentionallly been made larger in order to place emphasis upon it.
-Initially readers are lead to believe that he is swearing, instantly projecting a provocative sense
-The image of the artist is visually appealing to females as is evidently has sex appeal, however, it may also be homo-erotic.
- ''has been placed at the bottom of the magazine cover in order to encourage readers to access the website and explore all that Vibe has to offer.
-This magazine has clearly adopted an R&B/ Rap genre, however takes a more sophisticated approach to the genre which is reflected through Usher's clothing and accessories such as the watch, ring and sunglasses, which portray sheer wealth in a more glamourous way, ultimately echoing the genre as a whole.
-The image of Usher has been placed in front of the mast head, illuminating his dominace and importance, similiarly, the background is extremely simplistic in order to cast the main focus upon the artist himself.

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