Thursday 27 January 2011

Brief Description Of My Initial Ideas For Magazine

I have decided to work independently to produce my music magazine and  have come to the conclusion that I will use a solo artist on my front cover. Furthermore, after considering a range of factors I have chosen to do pop music as my genre due to the fact that it is quite broad and so allows for great creativity. Additionally, my target audience will predominantly be teenage girls within the age bracket of 12-17 as is will feature fashion columns, celebrity gossip and teen sensation posters in which I believe would automatically appeal to them.  Moreover,  the issues within the magazine would be of interest to my specific target audience, for example, celebrity style tips and hot new releases. My influences have been obtained from other music magazines such as 'SmashHits' and 'Top Of The Pops', which both support the conventions surrounding the pop genre. Simultaneously, the colour scheme in which I plan to adopt will consist of colours such as orange, blue and fuchsia pink in order to reflect the fun and vibrancy of the pop theme.I will also craft my magazine using bold contrasting colours and text in order to instantly grasp attention. Similarly, I aim to make my magazine stand out and appeal to my target audience by using a young female artist in which teenage girls could somewhat relate to and also have the appeal which young boys would find attractive..

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