Sunday, 27 February 2011
Kalise you are largely up to date with the research and planning work - well done. You have a few things still oustanding i.e. preliminary task contents page and analysis of your audience research.
Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Brief Plans For My Magazine
Front Cover : From looking at several pop music magazine covers I have found that mid-shots work very well for front covers as opposed to long shots which generally make the page appear too spacious and empty.
So I intend to use a mid-shot photograph.
I would like to use bright colours such as yellow and fushcia pinks as they are instantly eye-catching and reflect the pop theme significantly better than pale blues and browns for example.

Double Page Spread: I will have about 2-3 images of my main artist, using two different colours anf font style to differentiate the interviewers questions and the artists responses, perhaps blue and orange or orange and black, in order to appeal to males and females.
Monday, 14 February 2011
Friday, 11 February 2011
Idea For Contents Page - Sketch
Here I have drawn a quick sketch which outlines the various elements which my contents page will include.
The different sub-headings will categorise the range of information provided, it will be separated into specific sectioned divisions such as 'style' and 'gossip' ultimately, this will create an ease of reference. The contents will be listed with page numbers to indicate its location within the magazine. I will adopt the use of vivid colours such as yellow, blue and fushcia pink, as they convey a fun and vibrant sense, reflecting the light-hearted attitude of teenage girls. Furthermore, this page will also have a main image of my chosen artist along the right hand side, this would be a long-shot. There will also be additional images corresponding to the topics addressed within the magazine, these images however will be significantly smaller in order for the artist on the front cover to be the focal point. In addition, the composition will be quite compact inn order for it to appear that the magazine is full of content, ultimately making the page seem quite 'alive'. Also, the title will be similar to the color scheme and style of text of the main-heading on the front cover. Moreover, there will also be a section at the bottom, dedicated entirely to the issues displayed on the front cover. This makes it easier to locate the information they were initially captivated by at first glance, as it has been sectioned off from the other topics; there will also be an image of the front cover beside it.
Idea For Double Page Spread - Sketch
For my double page spread on my chosen artist i would have her name in large letters as the title, with a sub-heading employed to introduce the act. Similarly, I would have an introduction for my article for my article which will provide readers with an insight as to the topic which the text will be based around. Furthermore, I plan to include superlatives to over emphasise the artists superiority; hyperboles to exaggerate her success and cliche phrases in order for readers to be able to easily identify the point being made..In addition, the copy will include some questions which will allow the artist to expand upon a subject, ultimately provoking a more detailed response. The use of floating quotes will also be adopted with the intention that it would instantly draw attention and prompt readers to read the article if the quote is dramatic and interesting. Simultaneously, I will also employ colloquialisms in order to craft a sense of realism and also for readers to feel as though they can relate to the text. Similarly, it will also make the interview seem more light-hearted and so would be ideal for my teenage target audience. I will use quite a specific register as while using predominantly formal language, I will intergrate several slang terms in order to reinforce quite a casual, friendly conversation as opposed to a serious, interrogation-like interview. Moreover, I plan to incorporate one main image which will be a long shot of the artist in the centre of the page, as displayed in the photograph above, with the text shaped around it. Also, I will have 1/2 additional images, perhaps 1 location shot and 1 normal shot. Finally, my ideas surrounding the typography is to have a hand-written somewhat girly styled text, with the interviewers questions a different colour to the artists response to exemplify a clear differentiation between the two, in essence, making it easier to read.
2nd Idea For Front Cover - Sketch
This is a second sketch of a proposed front cover idea. I will now briefly outline the main aspects in which the cover would have.
-Additional cover lines.
-Slogan/Puff----- ''My Monthly Music CRUSH''
-Layout slightly more spread out to allow for readers to acknowledge the location shot in the background.
-The artists tilted head and big smile conveys a friendly attitude, she is also somewhat using her hand to hide part of her face, perhaps indicating a shy and innocent sense.This would also be reinforced with her looking up at the camera in a high-angle shot. She will also be wearing eccentric make-up and quirky and somewhat edgy clothing which intentionally contrast the subtle and introvert sense initiated within her pose.
-Background would be of her hometown in order to accentuate her humble origins.
-Additional images.
-Website advertised in order to encourage readers to explore their brand.
1st Idea For Front Cover - Sketch
Brief outline of ideas:
-Image of artist would be placed in front of the mast head.
-A tie-in will be placed at the top right hand corner in order to entice readers to buy the magazine following the offer highlighted.
-The barcode will also be displayed to convey sense of authenticity.
-Additional cover lines.
-Additional images.
-Main cover line will partially over lay the image of the artist and it will be bold and much larger than the rest of the text in order for it to instantly draw attention.
-The mast head 'CRUSH'will be tightly composed to reflect the literal meaning of the word, however it will contain small hearts within the letters, however, the transparency of these symbols will be manipulated in order for it to be more subtle. The hearts will illustrate the colloquial term'crush' and will also echo this as a regular notion obtained by teenage girls.
-The main image will be the focal point of the magazine. The artist will adopt typical features of mise-en-scene for a pop magazine, such as, vibrant make-up with brightly coloured lipstick in order to reinforce a 'doll-like' sense.
-Eccentric coloured clothing will be worn to exemplify the fun and flirtyness of the pop genre.
-Accessories worn to illuminate a sense of femininity, for example a flower in the hair and heart-shaped necklace.
-A slightly low-angle shot used to indicate slight superiority.
-The key words within the headings will be made larger for emphasis.
-Varied size of text.
Composition quite complex/compact in order for it to look more exciting and full of content.
-Ultimately, pop will be depicted as a 'cute', 'fun' & 'quirky' genre.
Tuesday, 8 February 2011
Kalise you have provided some detailed and intelligent textual analysis - well done.
Target: work your way through the checklist to ensure that you meet the deadline for the tasks set by 18th Feb.
Target: work your way through the checklist to ensure that you meet the deadline for the tasks set by 18th Feb.
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