Sunday, 30 January 2011
Function & Audience
The predominant functions for music magazines are to inform, entertain, persuade, promote and gratify their audience, however each of these sectors harbour several different strategies adopted by companies enabling them to appeal to their audiences and engage their interest. In order to inform the readers, music magazines can intergrate quotes which they will embed into either a detailed prose or a simplistic Q & A structure. Detailed prose is usually employed to capture more sophisticated audiences whereas Q & A is generally adopted in magazines of which appeal to a younger audience for example pop and R 'n B, in essence this structure is significantly easier to understand due to its direct simplicity. They also inform audiences of what exactly they should expect from specific albums, informing them of general information such as the tracks they consist of. Furthermore, music magazines are also designed to entertain; the use of superlatives which express a superior quality, hyperboles which exaggerate situations making them seem much more dramatic and interesting, colloqualism which makes readers feel as though they can relate to the text, humour which generates a light-hearted sense, celebrity interviews and also gossip factors which is clearly an aspect which absorbs most readers. In addition, music magazines are also manipulated to promote things and persuade their audience to buy artists albums/singles, the implementation of linguistic techniques such as direct address where lexical choices such as ''YOU'' are used regularly and emotive language, collectively help to reinforce ideas ultimately generating sympathy, perhaps altering readers perceptions of artists. Similarly, the frequent advertisements also promote artists albums, fragrances, concerts, etc... Moreover, music magazines also aim to gratify their audience, as they believe that readers gain somewhat of a sense of pleasure from reading magazines.
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Brief Description Of My Initial Ideas For Magazine
I have decided to work independently to produce my music magazine and have come to the conclusion that I will use a solo artist on my front cover. Furthermore, after considering a range of factors I have chosen to do pop music as my genre due to the fact that it is quite broad and so allows for great creativity. Additionally, my target audience will predominantly be teenage girls within the age bracket of 12-17 as is will feature fashion columns, celebrity gossip and teen sensation posters in which I believe would automatically appeal to them. Moreover, the issues within the magazine would be of interest to my specific target audience, for example, celebrity style tips and hot new releases. My influences have been obtained from other music magazines such as 'SmashHits' and 'Top Of The Pops', which both support the conventions surrounding the pop genre. Simultaneously, the colour scheme in which I plan to adopt will consist of colours such as orange, blue and fuchsia pink in order to reflect the fun and vibrancy of the pop theme.I will also craft my magazine using bold contrasting colours and text in order to instantly grasp attention. Similarly, I aim to make my magazine stand out and appeal to my target audience by using a young female artist in which teenage girls could somewhat relate to and also have the appeal which young boys would find attractive..
Double Page Spread Analysis - NME
This double page spread has been extracted from NME magazine.
-The text adopts the use of standard english and is written in the form of continuous prose embedding quotes throughout, I believe that this has been done in order to appeal to more a sophisticated audience. Similiarly this technique is quite typical of an indie/rock magazine as opposed to R & B magazine in which generally implement the simple Q & A approach.
-Intertextuality has also been employed in the title 'Art Of Darkness', which has been drawn from Joseph Conrads ' Heart Of Darkness', perhaps this was incorporated so that readers are able to relate to the subject matter.
-Furthermore, the colour scheme of dark colours such as black, directly reflect the theme initiated through the title.
-The sub-heading provides readers with an immediate insight as to what issues the copy will predominantly focus on.
-The main image is largely engaging due to their lack of posing and eye-contact, ultimately this alludes to the idea that they are quite introvert,niche and humble, this idea is reinforced through the text where they exclaim that they ''did not think they were a big enough band to be on the front cover of NME''.
-The artists facial expressions are quite serious and rigid, instantly illuminating quite an enigmatic sense, this, in addtion to the lack of colour throughout their clothing somewhat reflects their music style as quite simple and straightforward and so would appeal to more sophisticated audiences as they do not need all the frills and excess complexity to be engaged by their sound.
-Moreover, the fact that she is standing in the centre depicts the idea that she is protected by the males in which surround her. Alternatively, I believe that this woman somewhat subverts the notion of vunerability as she is standing slighly in front of the two men with her hands behind her back, automatically conveying a sense of power and dominance in the group.
Wednesday, 26 January 2011
NME- Double Page Spread Analysis (Lilly Allen)
This article is from NME magazine.
A large image of the artists has been placed on one page, automatically bringing it into focus. Lilly Allen is wearing heavy dark make-up, complimented by a jet-black funky hairstyle enhancing the punk/rock culture. Similarly, mise-en-scene has cleverly been manipulated to depict a more edgy image which lacks femininity, and also initiates rebellious traits. She is wearing limited jewellery and a casual plaid shirt which is not fitted an so intentionally does not accentuate her assets, which would usually be a style adopted by young girls to appear sensual and provocative. I believe that this has intentionally been done to portray her simplicity which is then reinforced through the floating quotes as she implies that she is not an attention seeker, she is simply ''just honest''; this direct and blunt attitude corresponds with the attitude conveyed by her style and posture. It is interesting to note that although she claims to not be an attention seeker, her 'goth/punk' appearance is generally adopted by individualistic people who aim not to conform to social norms, therefore wanting to stand out from the crowd, ultimately contradicting her statement. This floating quote has been enlarged and so instantly draws readers into the context of the article, providing them with an immediate insight as to what the article will be about. Moreover, the form of the text communicates an ambiguous yet mysterious sense as it is similar to that of newspaper clippings stereotypically used by criminals,instanly alluding to the idea that the artist is slightly odd in her approach to situations. Furthermore, I think that the article is aimed at readers within the age bracket of 17-24.
Contents Page Analysis - NME
-The main image located at the centre of the page is the focal point and links directly to the main article.
-The colour use is eccentric and vivid indicating a non-uniformed colour scheme, ultimately communicating a light-hearted sense.
-This magazine is evidently directed at a younger audience, perhaps within the age bracket of 17-21.
-In addition, the images are composed in a similar way to how a collage would be crafted, generating the idea that the magazine is quite spontaneous and haphazard as opposed to displaying a fixated structure.
-Each box to the right is of a different color, suggesting individuality for each section.
-Furthermore, the sub-headings are employed to categorise and to create an ease of reference for readers, as well as the page numbers.
-Also, the tie-in for a subscription package at the bottom of the page is enticing as readers are drawn to the idea of an offer.
-This contents page consists of many images making it look excedingly busy and alive, depositing a sense of vibrance and energy.
-I believe that loads of pictures have been placed on this page in order for it to appear that there is a lot to read within the magazine, in essence, exaggerating its content.
Contents Page Analysis - VIBE
This contents page is extremely minimalistic, perhaps to place more emphasis upon the background image.
- The black and white theme relates to the black and white image of the artist on the front cover, therefore pursuing the colour scheme.
- Additionally. there are very few sub-headings implememented in order to categorise and create an ease of reference for the readers.
- There is limited text deposited over only a small section of the page, perhaps this is done because the type of readers in which this magazaine would attract, do not want fancy lettering and a crowded page, they'd simply prefer to have a more direct and succinct link to specific pages.
- Furthermore, the posture of the central figure is evidently relaxed, laid back and clearly very serious, ultimately indicating a sense of importance and dominance.
- Similiarly, the cheain in which he is wearng supports the rap genre as it communicates the idea of wealth.
- Readers immediately get the impression that this magazine has more of a serious yet casual approach as opposed to magazines such as SmashHits and NME.
Front Cover Analysis - XXL
- This magazine is evidently one of a rap genre following the various elements which craft the front cover; these are outlined below.
- Both artists are wearing excessive excessive amounts of jewellery, which instantly projects their exceptional levels of wealth.
- The background depicts their humble origins, ultimately alluding to the idea that they had to struggle and work hard to obtain the position in which they have in the music industry.
- The fact that they are topless has intentionally been done in order to appeal to female readers, as well as some male readers; it is therefore homo-erotic.
- The masthead has been crafted with 'diamonds' in order to enhance the bling culture associated with rap music.
- The large mass of tattoos on their bodies immediately depict their masculinity and highlight their toughness due to the pain in which they would have had to endure in the process.
- Furthermore, their overall image is quite aspirational for some as they too would like to imitate their rough, urban style.
- The main cover line is bold and eye-catching despite the simplicity of the lettering, I believe that this has intentionally been done due to the fact that the rest of the magazine cover is so busy that it is significantly more effective with limitive fanciness of the lettering.
- Similiarly, the phrase 'surival of the fittest' indicates to readers what the lead feature article will be based upon, ultimately engaging their interest.
- The additional cover lines provide readers with an insight into what kind of artists this magazine will discuss, in this case 'Eminem, Nelly and Kanye West. In essence, if readers are fans of these artists they would be drawn in and so be more interested to purchase this magazine.
- The colour scheme of 'red' is consistant over this front cover, perhaps suggesting power, dominance or even blood, which would ultimately reinforce the phrase 'survival of the fittest'.
- Moreover, the composition of the copy is fairly straight-forward, with the image of the two artists as the main focus and a limited range of additional sell lines.
Front Cover Analysis - BLENDER
-This genre of this music magazine is R & B and the sophistication of this genre is effectively depicted through the artists smart clothing. The fact that he is wearing a suit indicates a sense of dominance,power, class, and superiority.
- Wealth is also subtlely illustrated through prop use. He is wearing a diamond ring in which he is touching, automatically bringing it into focus.
-In addition, the brooch attached to his clothing illuminates a sense of femininity, ultimately contrasting his rigid , masculine posture.
-The slit in the masthead directly reflects the idea of a 'blender', alternatively it could also represent the hip-hop/R&B culture as boys sometimes adopt the style of a slit on their eyebrows.
-The red lettering crafts a rich contrast from the simplicity of the rest of the cover, in effect, making it stand out significantly more.
-The important features such as the artists name has intentionally been enlarged in order for it to instantly draw attention to the artist in which will be the main focus of the article.
- The main cover line says 'The fly life of an american gangster'- however the idea of a stereotypical 'gangster' is subverted, as he is not wearing the typical baggy clothes and excessive bling, he is almost communicating an opposing approach to the ganster culture.
-Thiis magazine cover also includes additonal coverlines displayed to draw readers into their articles and features.
Front Cover Analysis-Usher
- The tilt of his head instantly generates quite an arrogant and obnoxious sense immediantly initating superiority.
-Usher is wearng limited 'bling' which is ultimately a more subtlle depiction of wealth.
-The grafitti style text is a colloquial term ( swagger) in which instantly reinforces R & B conventions. Also, it has been coloured in red identifying power and dominance.
-The low angle shot adopted also suggests superiority and power.
-The lead feature article provides readers with a clearer insight as to what the article on usher will predominantly be about.
-The additional cover lines on the front cover display to readers what other articles the magazine will consist of.
-The mast head is blue, in effect connoting the 'rhythm & Blues' theme. Furthermore, a cool and calm sense is depicted perhaps portraying the smoothness of the artist. Additionally, it is also a unisex colour, perhaps showing that the magazine can appeal to the interests of both males and females.
-The fact that Usher is wearing sunglasses initiates an enigmatic sense. Hs hand is clearly the focal point of the magazine cover, smiliarly, the shallow depth of field has been manpulated in order to exemplify the artists hand gesture showing off his wedding finger in which supports the context of the article.
-The main cover line consists of few words in which sum up the main points within the feature aticle, moreover, the key words wich as 'USHER' 'HE'S NO.1' have intentionallly been made larger in order to place emphasis upon it.
-Initially readers are lead to believe that he is swearing, instantly projecting a provocative sense
-The image of the artist is visually appealing to females as is evidently has sex appeal, however, it may also be homo-erotic.
- ''has been placed at the bottom of the magazine cover in order to encourage readers to access the website and explore all that Vibe has to offer.
-This magazine has clearly adopted an R&B/ Rap genre, however takes a more sophisticated approach to the genre which is reflected through Usher's clothing and accessories such as the watch, ring and sunglasses, which portray sheer wealth in a more glamourous way, ultimately echoing the genre as a whole.
-The image of Usher has been placed in front of the mast head, illuminating his dominace and importance, similiarly, the background is extremely simplistic in order to cast the main focus upon the artist himself.
-The grafitti style text is a colloquial term ( swagger) in which instantly reinforces R & B conventions. Also, it has been coloured in red identifying power and dominance.
-The low angle shot adopted also suggests superiority and power.
-The lead feature article provides readers with a clearer insight as to what the article on usher will predominantly be about.
-The additional cover lines on the front cover display to readers what other articles the magazine will consist of.
-The mast head is blue, in effect connoting the 'rhythm & Blues' theme. Furthermore, a cool and calm sense is depicted perhaps portraying the smoothness of the artist. Additionally, it is also a unisex colour, perhaps showing that the magazine can appeal to the interests of both males and females.
-The fact that Usher is wearing sunglasses initiates an enigmatic sense. Hs hand is clearly the focal point of the magazine cover, smiliarly, the shallow depth of field has been manpulated in order to exemplify the artists hand gesture showing off his wedding finger in which supports the context of the article.
-The main cover line consists of few words in which sum up the main points within the feature aticle, moreover, the key words wich as 'USHER' 'HE'S NO.1' have intentionallly been made larger in order to place emphasis upon it.
-Initially readers are lead to believe that he is swearing, instantly projecting a provocative sense
-The image of the artist is visually appealing to females as is evidently has sex appeal, however, it may also be homo-erotic.
- ''has been placed at the bottom of the magazine cover in order to encourage readers to access the website and explore all that Vibe has to offer.
-This magazine has clearly adopted an R&B/ Rap genre, however takes a more sophisticated approach to the genre which is reflected through Usher's clothing and accessories such as the watch, ring and sunglasses, which portray sheer wealth in a more glamourous way, ultimately echoing the genre as a whole.
-The image of Usher has been placed in front of the mast head, illuminating his dominace and importance, similiarly, the background is extremely simplistic in order to cast the main focus upon the artist himself.
Monday, 24 January 2011
Music Magazine Questionaire
Sunday, 23 January 2011
Coursework Production Brief
4 Page music magazine of your choosing:
-Front Page
-Contents Page
-Double page main feature article
-Original Name
-Original Artist/Band
BLOG: Reasearch and Planning work and written evaluation.
-Front Page
-Contents Page
-Double page main feature article
-Original Name
-Original Artist/Band
BLOG: Reasearch and Planning work and written evaluation.
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